This site is obviously under construction lol. But when I get it going it's gonna be awesome! For me, mainly. But that's whats important.
My name is Flippant Abnormal. I am a dumb person who has had people telling me I'm smart my whole life, so sometimes I actually believe it, sorry about that in advance. I like making things with my hands, thinking "deep" thoughts, and One Piece. I smoke a lot of weed and I have a best friend and not many other friends (besides her other friends). I am 36 but I have the maturity of a teenager. I briefly matured further in my mid-late 20s, but that was a mistake I have since rectified. I would like to de-mature further, into childhood, but it's tricky when you really do have bills to pay and stuff.
At this point, my plan is for this site to be a repository for whatever I'm doing. I have many interests I cycle through and occasionally add new ones to. So some potential future additions are photos/blogs of things that I make, recipes I enjoyed, idk like just whatever I'm thinking about lately. Maybe I'll start writing fiction and post it. Playlists. Anything. I guess commenting is enabled, if you have any suggestions go ahead and leave em!